For 15 to 20 week old puppies

Did you miss out on preschool altogether? It's not too late to properly train and socialise your puppy. This course is also great if you went to another preschool, but didn't get much out of it. If you've got an older puppy, join us now!

Course curriculum

    1. Train in Sets of 5

    2. On your mat

    3. Adding distance (to the mat)

    4. Lie Down

    5. Body Language Topic - Fear

    6. Socialisation: Wheeled Objects

    7. Problem Behaviour Guide: Why do puppies nip / bite

    8. Problem Behaviour Guide: Dealing with puppy biting / nipping

    1. Teaching Settle / Relax

    2. Body Language Topic - Stress and Aggression

    3. Cue Attention

    4. Capturing Attention

    5. Problem Behaviour Guide: Toilet Training

    6. Touch / Target

    1. Magnetic Mat

    2. Leave It

    3. Leash training

    4. Walking on lead

    5. Body Language Topic - General

    6. Problem Behaviour Guide: Jumping Up

    1. Swap/Give/Trade

    2. Socialisation: Health Handling

    3. Body Language Topic - Happy, Confident, Comfortable

    4. Body Language Topic - Dog to Dog Play

    5. Socialisation: Obstacles and Surfaces

About this course

  • $275.00
  • 25 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content